So Ruby and I went to my Mom and Dad's house for the a few days last week. We went with Auntie Raegan, it was a fun girls week...well and my Dad. We had a blast!!! It was a nice vacation after quitting my job to stay home with my beautiful baby girl! While we were gone Curtis went with his dad, Uncle, and brother in laws to a Jazz game....luckily the Jazz won and they had great seats (row 26) they were so excited and had a great time! Then that weekend was Curtis and mine 2nd year anniversary, we had a great weekend hat home, Raegan and Logan took Ruby up to my Mom and Dad's again for the weekend. It was hard at first and then right at the end when we wanted her home. We realized how quiet our house is without her little noises she makes while she sleeps...Grandma said that the first night she didn't sleep every well because of all of the noise Ruby makes. They all ended up having a great time. I just wanted to let my husband know how much I love him and that these past two years have been great! We have a great daughter and a wonderful amount of love for each other and her. I love you so much! can't wait to see what this next year brings us. Thanks so much to my parents for helping with Ruby...and to Auntie Rae and Uncle Log for all the help they did too in taking care of Ruby. We love all of our families and the wonderful things that they have done for us! here are some pics for you to enjoy!
PS Ruby also has been talking more and more she is getting so load and we LOVE it!