Ruby at 1 year old:
-16lbs 7oz
-27 inches tall
-she crawls all over the place
-she cruises along the furniture and holding your hand
-she can tell you how old she is by holding up 1 finger
-she can say ga gee (doggie), mom, da dee (daddy), yuck, hi, and bye
-she doesnt like the feel of any foods that are slippery or squishy
-doesn't like baby food only big girl food, especially bread and juice
-loves to yell at the ga gee's and shakes her 1 finger at them
-watches mickey mouse clubhouse, blues clues, and backyardagains
-only gives kisses to her Auntie Ra Ra
-loves to play hide-n-seek with her da dee
and many many more things...
Well first and most important Ruby turned 1!! October 12th was just as special as last year when our beautiful 5lb 8oz baby girl arrived in our lives. We set up a party in Hailey with my side of the family on her birthday, we went dinner (had pizza), then back to Gammie and Pop Pop's for cake and presents. Ruby got some really cute clothes and toys, and also a beautiful toy box that Uncle Logan made for her. She was into opening her presents until she spotted the balloons all over the floor, then she got super excited! I made her a "party outfit" for her, it was so cute on her. Then when it was time for cake, we sang "Happy Birthday" to her and she was so happy that every one was singing to her. The cake was so cute Pop Pop, Gammie and I made it for her and all the cupcakes, but Ruby isn't much for sweets she tasted the frosting and then MADE her Gammie taste it too, then she was done with it. lol funny little stinker! Then on Saturday she had another party in Rockland and Grandma and Grandpa's house. She invited all her cousins to come and play with her...except little Ben cuz he was only 4 days old (yes they share a birthday). She wasn't feeling to well that day but she was a trooper. She opened all her presents from everyone and espcially loved her dolly from Grandpa and Grandma. She was a little more interested in the cake this time she ate some frosting and the fondant flowers..yuck! But we all had a blast celebrating. Happy Birthday Ruby you are so speical to your Daddy and me, and all of your family! We are looking forward to many more years of just as much exciting new things you do. i have more pics from the other party too still to post!
So we had a very eventful summer we got to go camping 3 different times this summer, once just the three of us, once with the Farnsworth Family and once with the Steed Family! They were all so much funn and Ruby loved it! She was so excited to be outside. Went to Lagoon! We also went to a Carrie Underwood concert for the 4th of July and Ruby did really well there too. We went swimming a number of times. We spent alot of time at the American Falls Resevior, went to bear lake and to Hailey a few times. We spent all summer traveling and spending time with all of our family! Such a fun summer, I will post a few of my favs from the summer.

Well I am sure that I could add about a hundred more pictures but I will try to refrain from that. So we are doing very well, Curtis and I are just loving looking back on this past year and wondering how we ever lived with out our beautiful girl. We love all of our family and friends and thank them for everything you have all done for us. Love you all!