So Curtis and I just can't believe how fast our Ruby is growing. She is already a month old, we are going to give everyone and update on how she is doing. First of all no, she is not home from the hospital yet. But she is doing great in there, the doctor said that she is improving just as they thought she would for how young she is and coming from a diabetic Mommy. So Curtis and I are trying to give her as much rest as she needs so we can hopefully get her home for Thanksgiving! Keep your fingers crossed and we could use all the prayers for our little girl!
Ruby Steed
Weight: 7lbs 14oz
Height: 20 3/4 inches
Eating: around 2 to 4 bottles a day
Sleeping: A LOT!
Here are some pictures of Ruby, I know we post a lot of pictures but she changes so much that I don't want anyone to miss it. She is to cute to miss out on. Well our goal was to have her home before it started to snow but since today we all woke up to snow...I guess that isn't going to happen. Well we love all of you and hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.
The nurse made this for us...and said that Ruby didn't like it when the did her hands.

Daddy and Ruby

Ruby is becoming our chunky monkey

Ruby all ready to eat

She has such beautiful eyes

Mommy lovin on Ruby

Her cupcake outfit...Thanks Grandma Becky

Ruffles on her bum...back view

Thanks Great Grandma Garfield