Ruby is doing great, she is eating more and more every day. Ruby is getting big too she weighs 6lbs 12oz as of Sunday night. she is beautiful she still has her blue eyes and she is getting a little personality, when she is awake lol. Curtis and I got to giver her a bath last night, and she did great! She was happy and alert, holding her Daddy's hand, eating soap and kicking around. Ruby also had her first Halloween and she was super cute. Grandma and Grandpa Farnsworth bought her an outfit that said "I love my mummy" she was so cute in it but was a mess by the time we got there. She was cute entertaining her Grandma and Grandpa, and Uncle Logan and Auntie Raegan. Then she was tired for her next feeding when Daddy went to see her and her Grandma and Grandpa Steed but they got lots of pictures....its a good thing she is super cute when she sleeps. Here are more pictures of her.
She is so beautiful! Glad she is doing so good!